How To Play Medusa

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Don't stare at her, just don't do it. In this guide, we're exploring SMITE Greek Hunter Medusa as an ADC in Conquest, but don't worry, you can easily imple. Jan 07, 2019 This Is How You Play Medusa and Farming in the Jungle with Super Speed Items Dota 2 7.23 - Duration: 29:59. Dota Supreme Recommended for you.

Palmen aus Plastik

Also tips on how to dodge that snake. And in general, do I shove the wave or keep it in my highround denying creeps?

Mo Bamba

Anyone. That filthy animal is so squishy early on. Just harass her before she reaches lvl 6 and you gucci.


Puck is garbage vs medusa it does nothing to her past 15 mins

Palmen aus Plastik

puck dodges yes, but can i actually do something to win the lane with him/her/it?

About OD, medusa will push very hard and i will end up losing the tower. I can't kill medusa and I can't take the tower. Should i just max astral and depush?

Help me some more please.

Palmen aus Plastik

Tinker! Now that's proper. I can see Medusa struggling hard. Thanks man. How about some an odd mid like timbersaw?


tinker is not just good in lane . He's great against her later too

Palmen aus Plastik

I really like PL mid, and OD max orb. I got enough counters I think.

Do any of you have any advice on how to dodge the snake on heroes like sf and invoker? How to play teen patti. or melee heroes like DK or Kunkka?

Thara Ak-Var

lina is good. clinkz is okay. lone druid, razor and sniper.

[Spec] Rain

what Umbra said.. the important thing to realize vs Med is that taking a little bit of damage from snakes or losing mana is not the end of the world. it's going to happen, so you have to pick with that assumption in mind. at least in my bracket i just weather through the early laning stage and if i get ganks that's great and if not then you go after her when she transfers to jungle farming with mask
remember, if ur playing OD u dont need to play like a p**** and banish urself everytime u get snaked.. u can tank the shot and dive her directly


If you play medusa you'll know when she wants to throw the snake. If the ability is level 1 she wants to use it when there's 2 enemy creeps plus you. If its level 2 then she wants 3 creeps, level 3 is 4 creeps and level 4 is 4 creeps or 4 creeps plus catapult.

She will also be wanting to get the last hit on at least one creep with the snake so you can generally predict when she is going to throw it.

if she throws it when there are too many creeps it wont bounce to you and if there are too few creeps it will bounce to you but wont deal as much damage so its less effective. So just move back a bit when you know shes about to throw it and you will be fine.

Palmen aus Plastik

thats some proper advice, thanks guys! Not everyone trolls in these forums. Good to know :D

designated creep hitter

you can also try standing off to the side as far from the ranged creep as possible.


Well, the longer range you have the easier it is to dodge.
1 thing u can do is aggro his creeps so u deny ur ranged creep then most mid heroes should outrange the bounce

نجمة دوتة

How To Play Medusa

dont fucking pick od

any medusa with a brain will spam snake on you, you either dodge with astral and waste cd/mana or she gains mana from %steal and can cast it infinitely


How To Play Medusa

The dmg/burn isn't a huge deal until snake is like lvl 3
If u harass dusa she is either forced to use Mana shield to take less dmg but then not have Mana to even cast snake
Or she doesn't use Mana shield and u can zone her out of lane.


Od dumpsters Medusa
Tf r u talking abt
U get more points in essence aura and her Mana burn doesn't matter
U burn her Mana instead

نجمة دوتة

Go friend me and play the matchup then

OD has a substantial damage and animation advantage, and is traditionally considered a strong laner. How to play dice in the hood. I could've just seen an unbalanced player matchup once or twice and drawn the wrong conclusion

How To Play Medusa Drinking

نجمة دوتة
Bill Cutting

Ywn that tip is awesome

Is it possible see the aoe of the bounce?


Puck is good vs her,you said do nothing after 15m ..youre not there to insta kill medusa,their roles are different even both mid,ofc you need someone to kill her later but puck is very good vs medusa mid she can't do anything literally.


First of all IT Is important to understand how snake Is used.

Good player Will use it on lvl 3-9(+-) to hit you. And that Is when you Are going for a last hit. So you have to decide to give Up HP or lasthit. Or both, if you Are too Close.

Usually I start throwing it on lvl 3 - i kill one creep (on which agro Is) And throw it to hit you. On lvl 5 And later anytime i have a Chance to hit you.

Usually trying to go for 2-3-2-1/3-2-1/4-2-1-4/1+ talent, So as soon As i have mom i can clear ancients. Generaly want to have at least lvl 2 passive.

Usually on lvl 7 And later, when stacking time (xx:30 wave) i try to clear As fast as possible to have time to stack.

How to avoid snakes?
1) buy Boots ASAP.
Silver oak casino codes. 2) on early lvls (1-6) aggro Lane to kill your range creep. Gives you Room
3)dont be anywhere Close your range creep.
4) if you have possible to counterpick, go for waveclear. There Is no counter mid which made issues to my dusa. Maybe Lancer, but i make aghs almost every game, So he is quite fucked.

Last game vs dusa (as Wind) i got hit only once or twice during all laning phase.

did i hear people suggesting PL against dusa?!!!!!


Btw Maybe would be possible to take Viper And sit on dusas high ground lvl 1 And not let her get Close to creeps. But not sure if IT would work.

Generaly dusa Is really weak in trading, So if you Are passively siting on mid, medusa Is getting what she needs -time.


PL with diffusal burns all of dusas Mana and it takes too long for dusa to get the farm she needs to kill the illusions

@I am numb:
Dusa only needs an Aghanim to destroy PL, which gives her stats too so in a PL game I wouldn't be surprised if she got it real early. and she can shoot up to 8 targets at once. She doesn't even need the snake to walk all over PL illusions she can just ult with that stupid duration PL illusions will vanish.
The window for PL to beat Dusa is very very short.


pl has 999999999999 tho and snakes can only jump 6 times


Usually if there Is illusion hero (even spectre, am) i go for build aquila-phase-madness-aghs.

Aghs Is Superb on medusa, As it multiply her dmg And gives you additional disable.

If you want a counter to medusa, go for lycan or other early pushers instead of Farmers.


PL doesn't care abt aghs and he can Dodge snakes
There is nothing stopping him from disengaging from ulti considering how mobile and elusive he is
Dusa needs to hit lvl 25 and get mjollnir and some other dmg item to have a hope of clearing heart PL illusions

Noisy Miner

How To Play Medusa Dota 2

Sniper Sniper Sniper with the max 2 and 3. Plus lh and denies shouldn't be a problem too


I find OD vs dusa tough. But I mostly tried to imprison to harass. Perhaps should max orb instead.


sniper as many fellows said
TA can ezily dodge snake dmg with both refraction and meld when used in time. i guess meld is better since u dont lose mana either (not sure thou). and with psi blades u can hurt every range hero.
sf if you are good with raze, with that necromastery dmg and 1-2 successful razes, you can ezily rape dusa early game and so shut her down, and buy that raindrops to reduce snake dmg.

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I'm actually making this post because we've been seeing a resurgence of Medusa in the pro scene and none of them, imo, play her to her potential. They've seen her potential, but none of them seem to know how to build her optimally. Every single one of them blindly rushes Linkens Sphere and that just makes for such a super slow build up. Linkens Sphere just really isn't worth it besides certain situations.
Here's what I believe is the optimal Medusa build
(The order I list the items is the order I buy them)
Starting Items
  • Tangos
  • Circlet
  • Wraith Band Recipe (When you get into lane, get 1 CS and buy your Wraith Band at the side shop)
  • 3x Iron Branch

Early Purchases
  • Ring of Aquila (Great item to upgrade your Wraith Band into to give you some mana regen and armor)
  • Power Treads
  • Magic Wand (Such a huge value item on Medusa since giving her a burst in health and mana makes it so hard to finish her)

What to get now
  • Point Booster (The extra health and mana make this a real value item for it's cost)
  • Maelstrom (Now that you have a nice tanky point booster, this will let you farm fast and efficient as opposed to that slow Linkens Build)

Core Items
  • Eye of Skadi (The Stats are amazing on Medusa and you can farm it really fast at this point, not to mention you'll get a lot of value from the Ultimate Orbs before the Skadi is even finished)
  • Mjollnir (Just good to upgrade your Maelstrom into, ups your damage a lot with attack speed and the active is good if people focus you because your so tanky)
  • Boots of Travel (With the new BoTs I've been favoring picking them up earlier but keeping your Treads are fine)
  • Butterfly (Really good agi and attack speed, honestly I don't care about the evasion as much as I care about Flutter, with Flutter you can run so fast away from any danger and you can't really burst a Medusa down anyway)

Last Two Items (These are situational items for the most part, honestly in pubs the last 2 items are usually 2 Divines )
  • Manta Style (Obviously a very good item on her but I don't think it's as core as the above items)
  • Linkens Sphere (There are games where it's good and thats the only time you should get it)
  • MKB (Get it when you need too)
  • BKB (You really don't want to need this but I guess sometimes you might)
  • Satanic (Always a good lategame item to make you even more of a tank)

Now here's the skill build:
After this you have 3 points in snake which is more than enough to do what you need and you have 3 points in mana shield which make you very tanky
As you see we now max out Split Shot to increase your farm by a lot
This is how I have been playing Medusa for a long time and I've seen the best results with it. Medusa has always been known as taking forever to come online (and it is true with the Linkens Sphere into Manta all the pros use) but with this it is not the case. This build provides her with the tank and damage to fight, as well as the ability to farm fast and efficient.
Let me guys know what you think and of course feedback is appreciated, this is a forum to discuss strategy after all
Here's the build on the steam community if you guys want to use it!

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